2024 June Minutes

| Meeting Minutes

Wild Ones of South Central PA Monthly Meeting Minutes

June 24, 2024

Link to read:   Chapter Board Norms – Member Account (wildones.org)


Attendance  Jane Allis, Heather Andrews, Lorrie Preston, Margaret Naguski, Cindy Hogeman, Wendy Smith, Deb Latsha, Ian Gardner, Arlene Taylor, Karen Rudy, Kristen Acri, Patti Coolsen

Minutes of May Meeting  Motion to approve by Cindy Hogeman and Second by Wendy Smith.  Unanimous approval


Treasurer – Margaret Naguski     We received a $50 donation from Katherine Gehris in thanks for providing Cornwall Manor with more “What’s the Buzz” pamphlets.  Also 2nd quarter dues of $758.  Balance is $3201.82.  No expenses this month. 

Members approved the purchase of a canopy for tabling events of the type Kristen Acri recommended.   Jane will also try to get a side  and weights.

Membership Report- Lorrie Preston  Two new members:  Debbie Palmer and Debbie Olsen.   We had 3 renewals.  We have 103 members including family members.

                   Committee Reports:  

Programs: Seed Share – Heather reports that the date is confirmed for Nov. 10.  She will create a flier and social media piece soon to start advertising.  We discussed how to organize seeds on the tables.  We decided to come up with a template for people to fill out on the seeds they bring so it is clear what type of conditions they need, height, etc.  People liked that those who brought the seeds had them in front of them so they could also verbally guide people and give more information. 

     Field Trips:  Jane Allis, Jane Earle    See Calendar for 2024

              July: Members only visit to Lorrie’s and Shawna’s native plant gardens with potluck lunch.  Please see the calendar for full details, directions, and how to rsvp

              August:  Field trip to Conococheague Audubon native garden – See calendar for full details.

              Suggestions for this and next year include:  Ian Gardner webinar on Groundcovers for our December webinar;  April field trip with Appalachian Audubon to Mt. Cuba; May field trip to Michaux State Forest where there are huge patches of Pink Ladyslippers; June to Jenkins Arboretum – free and shady!; and Ladew Gardens/Heatwood Nursery in July or August for the Butterfly House and native meadow and gardens.

              June 9, 2024 field trip to the Appalachian Trail Museum Native Plant Garden  Report:  Very nice field trip attended by approximately 14 members and spouses.  Highlights included the hanging baskets; each with a single type of plant.  The sedges and Winecups were especially favored.   Saw lots of Pipevine Swallowtail caterpillars on a large Pipevine.  Lovely gardens and a nice walk where we saw Rattlesnake Fern among other interesting species.

 Community Outreach Report  (Townships, Landscapers, Garden Centers,                                                       Developers): Heather Andrews, Lisa Emig, Wendy Smith

       Lorrie:  West Shore Wildlife Rehab       https://wildfoods4wildlife.com  Lorrie took lots of goodies including seedheads after the recent field trip.  She will remind people to bring things to the member garden tour. 

                           May 23: Heather: talk at York County Municipal Administrators Meeting – Heather stated that it was by zoom and they had trouble hearing her.  There was good attendance.

                     Tabling events:  Storm Fest Camp Hill July 24   Lorrie Preston, Kristin Acri, and Bob Bargh will man the table.

              Jane reported the Ft. Halifax 5 B’s event was pretty poorly attended.  Thanks to Karen Rudy for help with the table that day.  Jane also did a talk on “Keystone Plants”.

              We discussed whether to do the Home and Garden Show at the Farm Show.   We decided not to table there but Lorrie Preston will give Heather’s info in case they would like her to speak again as her talk was well attended and received last year.

Schools Outreach:   Kerri Thauby, Karen Rudy  No report.

ALERT:  Ian Gardner reported on a tragic herbicide application on the powerline right of way along Stony Creek by Asplundh.   Many wonderful native plants, including shrubs and trees are lost.  He will be giving us more info on how to contact the Fish and Game Commission concerning this.  We urge members to do so and will send that out when we have all the related information. 


Attendance:  In addition to the above attendees at the Business Meeting, the following joined for the Membership portion of the meeting:  Cindy Hooks, Debbie Olsen, Diana Bermingham, Jennifer King, Maryann Skubecz, Ruth Seitz, Shawna Raymond, Stephanie Jellison, Susan Wilder, Terry Bills for a total of 22

Introduction Query of the Month: What are your favorite on-line resources?

            Jane Allis: https://www.wildflower.org   for general info on each native plant including                                     native habitat

https://www.ces.ncsu.edu    this is from North Carolina but the best I’ve found for giving info on wildlife/host plant benefits for each plant

Heather Andrews:  nwf.org (National Wildlife Federation)  can use Native Plant Finder to                     put in your zip code to see what is native to your particular area 


Lorrie Preston:  Also nwf.org and homegrownnationalpark.org (Doug Tallamy – put your                 garden on their map showing connections and corridors!)   

Cindy Hogeman:  Prairie Moon Nursery – great info on what conditions and stratification                         is needed for seeds – you can also sort by criteria such as shade, 2’ tall, etc.

Wendy Smith: bonap.org   The definitive site for finding plants native to your                                      county/locale

                        Also a forestry one on trees:


                        Wendy likes plantnet app for ID

            Susan Wilder:  nwf.org

                                    Podcasts:  Margeret Roach “A Way to Garden”

            Ruth Seitz:  Prairie Moon and Plantnet for ID

            Cindy Hooks:  Ottawa Wildflower Seed Library – has great 1-3 minute YouTube videos


            Maryann Skubecz:  Missouri Botanical Garden website missouribotanicalgarden.org

            Shawna Raymond:  Arcadia Natives website https://www.arcadianatives.com                                           Great colorful plant descriptions

            Deb Latsha:  Webinars of the Western Reserve Land Conservancy

            Jennifer King: PA Native Plant Gardening on Facebook

            Ian Gardner:  bonap and https://www.nomadseed.com                                                                                     https://wildplantculture.com/home

            Terry Bills:  Growitbuildit on YouTube

Cindy Hogeman also noted again that there will be a Celebration for what would be the 100th birthday of  Five Senses Garden Founder Shirley Disend on June 30th.  Cindy will give a tour; there will be desserts.   Please rsvp (it’s free) on caga.org website.  You can also make a donation on the website.

Heartwood Nursery just had a Serviceberry Festival where you could enjoy a variety of yummy dishes made from the berries including Serviceberry pound cake and wine!

Other notes:  Ecological Gardening Experience Sat. June 27 at the East Berlin Library

Thanks to Jennifer King for all the chat info on the recommendations and to Lorrie for keeping attendance.   Submitted by Jane Allis due to Tami Harnish’s absence.